Raw Footage and Storyboard

Sample Storyboard: Communal Shower

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:05  (Opening Scene) Fade in. View of the walk way into the communal shower Narrator Starts by asking a question regarding communal showers. Ex. “Communal Showers, What are they?”

Music: Dramatic Instrumental or Elevator Music

0:06-0:10  Left side of the communal showers. This will help set the scene Narrator continues with previous question.

Music: Same as previous scene.

0:11-0:15 Right side of the communal showers.

Allows the viewer to have a visual of the location.

Narrator asks another intriguing question: Ex. “Are they what people believe them to be?”

Music: Same as previous scene, possibly intensifies.

0:16-0:20 A towel is placed on a hook leading into the communal shower. Narrator: Some people believe in the contrary.

Music: Music cuts.

0:21-0:25 Shower supplies are placed at the entrance. Silence from both Narrator and Music.
0:26-0:30 Fade in on first interviewee from his shoulders up. Shower water is pouring on him.

(Medium Close up shot)

Interviewee #1: “I love communal showers, they have changed my life.”

Music: Trance instrumental. It will add a mystic sense to the visual.

0:31-0:40 Cut scene to second interviewee.

Different shower head, but with water pouring on him. Interviewee is on the right side of the screen.

Interviewee #2: Describes his affection for communal showers and how they have positively changed his life.

Music: Same as previous scene.

0:41-0:50 Fade into a completely different scene change.

The area will be an office like area with one chair in the center and a tree on the left of the screen.

The interviewer/narrator will walk into the shot and sit down.

Subject of the scene: He will discuss the positives of communal shower (w/ a humorous undertone). He will also present his personal story.

Music: Same as before except the volume will be lessened.

0:51- 1:00 Different camera angle of the narrator. Close up shot from the shoulders up and to the subject’s left, camera’s right. Narrator will take a drink of coffee from a cup. This will add a more natural conversation to what the narrator is discussing. Narrator: Continues his previous discussion and ends it. The ending will be a transition to communal showers.

Music: Continues as previous stated

1:01- 1:05 Back to the group shower. This time all the shower heads will be on. Steam will fill the shower and most of the shot. Only silhouettes of bodies will be visible.

A sponge will be thrown.

Narrator: Will state conclude what bother interviewee’s said.

Music: The instrumental will be make the listener feel happy.

1:06-1:10 Camera will travel along the entry way and out the door. Once leaving the door the shot will fade out. Narrator: Nothing will be said.

Music: Same as previous scene. The volume will be turned up and then fade out as the visual fades.

1:11-1:20 Closing credits. Black background w/ white font.


As each credit appear, a smack sound will be played.


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